Are you making the most of your First Impression?

First impressions are crucial in many aspects of our life, and in hospitality in particular, it can be make or break for you personally or the business.

A first impression is an opinion you form of someone when you first meet them and often takes less than a minute or two to form.  A lot of what you think of them comes from assumptions and physical observations and is also influenced by cultural or societal bias.  For this reason, you can make a different first impression on different people, as they’re going to make their assumptions in varying ways. If you’re able to make a good first impression, this can help set a lasting positive opinion which can enhance your personal reputation and that of your hotel or restaurant.

People retain first impressions.

People’s assumptions often dictate their behaviour or at least influence it. Since a first impression requires assumptions based on external factors, it can change how someone views and treats you for some time. This is also because assumptions are quite easy to make but can often be difficult to disprove. Therefore, if someone’s first impression of you is that you’re shy, it may take some time and effort to demonstrate that the opposite is true.

There are a couple of reasons why this is the case. People often remember the beginnings of things more than subsequent things and therefore place greater value on this. For instance, they might listen to the first 30 seconds of a song before deciding whether they like it and the same applies to interactions with others. Another reason is curiosity. Since they’ve only just met you, they’re naturally more curious to know you and, therefore, more observant.

Further positive assumptions.

If your first impression communicates positive traits to others, this can often lead them to make further positive assumptions about you. This is because people often associate certain positive traits with each other or make deductions based on previous patterns that they’ve witnessed. For example, making eye contact and smiling when you greet someone new is primarily about respect, as you’re acknowledging their presence and indicating that you’re pleased to do so.

Influence on decision-making.

First impressions can influence decision-making. In job interviews, for instance, interviewers often make decisions about candidates within the first few minutes of meeting them. This is because they’re looking for someone who can fit into the company culture and has the necessary skills and experience. If you’re able to make a good first impression, you’re more likely to be considered for the job. Similarly, in hospitality services, customers are more likely to return to a restaurant or hotel if they have a positive first impression of the staff.

The Science behind first impressions.

Research has shown that first impressions are formed based on several factors, including physical appearance, body language, tone of voice, and behaviour. For instance, people who dress well and maintain good hygiene are more likely to make a positive first impression. Similarly, people who make eye contact, smile, and use open body language are perceived as more friendly and approachable. In contrast, people who avoid eye contact, slouch, and cross their arms are perceived as unfriendly and unapproachable.

Tips for improving first impressions.

There are several ways to improve your first impressions. Firstly, it’s important to dress appropriately for the occasion. If you’re going for a job interview, for instance, you should dress professionally. It should go without saying, but maintaining good hygiene is vital. This includes taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and wearing deodorant. Making eye contact, smiling and using open body language will help you appear more friendly and approachable. Always be confident and positive. This will help you make that good impression and show that you’re enthusiastic about the job or service. Finally, be prepared. Know your job or role. If interviewing, research the company or service beforehand so that you can ask intelligent questions and show that you’re interested.

First impressions are crucial in many aspects of life and making that positive first impression can influence your career and work life generally. Who doesn’t want to work with, or interact with, someone positive, friendly and knowledgeable?

Remember, people retain first impressions and make further assumptions on those brief interactions, so make sure your first impression counts…

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