Monthly Archives: October 2020

The Ultimate Bar and Restaurant Sign Collection!

Portable bar and restaurant advertising signs have seemingly been around forever, although the origins of these signs are a matter of some debate. Charles Dickens is credited with first use of the term ‘sandwich man’ in his literature, to describe “a piece of human flesh between two slices of paste board” which were frequently used […]

To the rescue or not…that is the question!

The current state of the hospitality industry is anything but glorious to say the least. Travel and tourism have come to a virtual standstill, except where local tourism keeps the home fires burning (and that is at a very low flame!).  We can only hope that the year end and the beginning of the long […]

The Search for Highlights When Reviewing Job Applications…

When evaluating job applicants, probably the most time consuming, and let’s face it, tedious aspect of the process is reviewing candidate applications. This is the ‘grind’ part of the process where you hope to find that diamond in the rough. Between those that are totally unqualified for the job and those who have just copied […]