Category Employers

You get what you pay for…

A new year means a period of reflection, and this New Year that reflection led to a review of past assignments we had worked on 10+ years ago. I was a little shocked when I reviewed the expat salaries and employment terms of the projects we handled for hotels all those years ago. This shock […]

Are Phone Interviews Heading the Same Way as the Dinosaurs?

In our ever complicated and technology obsessed present and future, is the humble telephone slowly becoming irrelevant? Mobile telephony was a futuristic progression 30 or 40 years ago, but in the 21st century do we even need a phone? Well of course we do you say, we all have mobile(cell) phones. Well yes and no… […]

How has the Hospitality Industry changed?

In late June we published our 300th copy of ‘The Elite Executive” newsletter, our bi-weekly showcase of a variety of quality candidates looking for new opportunities. As well as getting us thinking about the number of companies and candidates that we have helped in that time, we also realised how much our industry has changed […]

Resume Clichés to Use at Your Peril!!

While considering the next topic for our blog I ended up on the subject of resumes. We review a lot of resumes! Resumes/CV’s should be targeted and structured career biographies that reflect the candidates’ suitability for a job. More often they are poorly constructed, inaccurate, misspelt and cliché riddled documents which instantly eliminate candidates due […]

Why do they ask me that?

Sometimes during an interview, you get either, very predictable, or occasionally weird questions, so do you ever wonder, why do they ask me that?

The Time for Female Leadership has Come – Pushing Cultural Boundaries and Traditions

Industry leaders have given lip service to the idea of gender equality, but it seems things may actually be progressing…

Get ready for the Big Reset…

Is there a positive from the years of Covid-19 that have ravaged the hotel industry – maybe not… Post Covid, there seems to be an acute staff shortage in hospitality reflected by the fact that that some restaurants are still unable to re-open, and many hotels have cut back on the services offered and standards […]

That Age Perception…

I recently came across some articles from 1987 which discussed the shrinking pool of people working, or willing to work, in the hospitality industry and why we did not tap into the pool of older workers who seemed willing to work but were frequently ignored. Fast forward 35 years and it seems nothing has changed. […]